Beautiful Women Featured Logo
Beautiful Women Featured Logo

Sharing your art on Social Media

Since 2019, we promote talented Photographers and models from all over the world for free! We do have some prerequisites that you can ask us if you are interested.

We post on our Instagram accounts, Threads, X (Twitter) and Facebook, providing a nice caption and always tagging the artists (even their other accounts).

Skip to photo requirements

We mainly share on Instagram

This is not a rule but we are mostly contacted via Instagram. We post between 1 to 3 times a day on each of our instagram accounts.

See how we select pictures we post in the other section below.


Another Instagram... but for legs

What started out as a secondary account, became its own entity! We have a thing for legs so we went fully into it! This account is not a duplicate of Beautiful Women Featured!


One more Instagram account...

We also have an Instagram "hub" account where we publish all the pictures from both accounts as a collaborator..


X (Twitter), Facebook and Thread

If the account we're promoting on Instagram also has a presence on one of those platforms, we will do a post on these too and tag them.

Join our Facebook Groups!

We also admin two Facebook Groups where we can share your pictures via our page. Feel free to join and post your pictures!

How to be featured

Photos requirements
  • ✅ human female model must be 18+
  • ✅ good quality
  • ✅ artistic, not explicit
  • ✅ at least 1 in the set shows your face (@beautiful_women_featured only)
  • ✅ legs out and fully shown on the first pic (@beautiful_legs_featured only)
  • ✅ you have permission to share
  • 🚫 selfies showing the phone
  • 🚫 promo text (watermark is ok)
  • 🚫 censored content/see through showing what shouldn't be seen
  • 🚫 man in frame
How we choose

We usually select from posts we're tagged in or pictures sent via Instagram DMs. We can be contacted via other social media but Instagram is the best way.

We only accept pictures from the photographer, the model or someone who has the right to share them. We may do Story SFS with other accounts using pictures they don't own but that's the way it is on Insta I guess.

We have our favourites!

Accounts that comment the posts with their pictures (even with a simple emoji) and/or share it in their story will be considered first when choosing. We do this for free so a little help with activity is appreciated!

Invite us as a collaborator on your post

We will accept any collaboration that meets our photo requirements.

If you are a feature account like us, we will accept only if the model or the photographer are tagged or mentioned.

We do SFS

We do Story for Story as long, again, as the picture meets our photo requirements.

That's it! If you're new with us, hope we convinced you. If you are one of our regular, thanks again, see you soon!

Beautiful Women Featured Logo